Procrastinators pay attention!

February 23, 2023
Posted in blog
February 23, 2023 Lindsay Tighe

Procrastinators pay attention!

If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down. – Roy T. Bennett

We all have a decision-making hierarchy – probably without even realising it. Some of us will simply do first in,  first out. Some will do what they consider to be urgent. Others will do what’s important.

Today I am asking you to become conscious of the thing that you are procrastinating about.

Procrastination takes energy! Often it drains your energy, keeps you awake at night and distracts you from doing your best. It’s almost like having a cloud hanging over you that doesn’t go away until it’s dealt with.

So here’s an idea!  What if today, you changed your decision making hierarchy and named one thing that you are procrastinating about and then prioritised it so that you now decide what to do about it!

How does that feel?


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